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Time & Talent

The Call of Discipleship

In their pastoral letter on stewardship, the Bishops of the United States wrote:

“The Christian vocation is essentially a call to be a disciple of Jesus. Stewardship is part of that. Even more to the point, however, Christians are called to be good stewards of the personal vocations they receive. Each of us must discern, accept, and live out joyfully and generously the commitments, responsibilities, and roles to which God calls him or her.” (Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response, pg. 13)

As a parish community, we have responded to this call of discipleship by making stewardship a priority. In our parish mission statement we write:

“Empowered by the Eucharist we are made one in Christ. We work for justice, are stewards of all that is entrusted to us, and pray for the needs of the world.” (emphasis added)

To help each person responding to the call of discipleship, the parish provides various opportunities and ways through the sharing of our Time, Talent and Treasure. You can click on the buttons below to learn more about ways you can be a good disciple and steward of God’s gifts.