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Adult Faith Formation

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Discipleship & Adult Faith Formation Programs

At Blessed Sacrament we continually strive to provide diverse opportunities for people of all ages to learn about our Catholic faith, to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and to share those experiences in community. Our Adult Faith Formation programs are broken down into our regularly offered programs and special programs and events. Anyone and everyone is invited to participate in our programs.

We offer bible studies, prayer groups, book studies, discussions, and special events throughout the year. Feel free to browse through the programs to see which one suits your time frame, interests, or lifestyle! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Christy!

Upcoming Programs & Events

Regularly Offered Programs

Afternoon Bible Break: A bi-weekly bible study to refresh your spirit
Caring Card Ministry
Franciscan Reflections
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
Small Faith Groups
Wednesday Morning Scripture Study
Bible in a Year Podcast
Christ Renews
Laidback Book Club
Praying in Nature
Social Justice Committee
CARE (Catholic Adult Religious Education)
Faith in Action Team
Midland Area Inter-Faith Friends
Rosary on the Go
The Mass with Bishop Ken Untener

Other Resources