Knights of Columbus Awards

The Blessed Sacrament Knights of Columbus council recently held their Anniversary dinner at the parish social hall. Knights from our council, Assumption, and St. Brigid enjoyed a potluck dinner of dishes of New Mexico. During the dinner, presentations were made to honor the “Knight of the Year” and “Family of the Year”. We are proud to announce that this year’s recipients are:

Knight of the Year

Walt Selle. Walt is currently the Deputy Grand Knight. He has been a hard-working and reliable member of the council since joining. Walt has been very involved in the “Wood for Warmth” program benefiting cancer patients and needy people who heat with wood. He’s always there when we are cutting, splitting, and delivering the wood. You can also count on Walt to help with other projects that the Knights have like putting up and taking down Christmas lights around the church, the parish picnic, and dogs after mass and our soup suppers. Walt also serves the parish as a Eucharistic Minister.

Family of the Year

Rich and Cathie Brubaker. Rich joined the Knights 3 years ago. Rich is there to help with other projects that the Knights have like the “Wood for Warmth” Program, helping to cut, split and deliver wood, helping with the parish picnic, and dogs after mass. Rich and Cathie provide soup for the Knight’s soup suppers. Rich and Cathie also serve the parish at mass with Hospitality and Rich serves as a Eucharistic Minister, as well.

Please join the Knights in congratulating Walt, Rich and Cathie for their service in 2024!