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Thank you for your interest in the Sacrament of Confirmation at Blessed Sacrament!  There have been many changes to the guidelines for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Diocese of Saginaw in the past few years. Read below to learn all about these changes and what the new Confirmation Preparation Program will look like at Blessed Sacrament! 

What is the Sacrament of Confirmation and why is it important for my child to receive it?

Through Confirmation, a person is “more perfectly bound to the Church and [is] enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.” (CCC 1285) When a baptized person, who has received their First Eucharist, receives the Sacrament of Confirmation, they are completing the Sacraments of Initiation! It is an exciting moment, which only continues a life-long adventure with the Holy Spirit!  

What changes did the Diocese make to the guidelines for reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation?

For years, young people in the Diocese of Saginaw have received this Sacrament in the 2nd grade, before receiving the Eucharist for the first time. However, in 2021, Bishop Gruss decided that “discernment and preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation should begin at a minimum age of 12 to 14 years old.” In addition, he is requiring parishes to prepare youth for this Sacrament through a two-year process using a program called Purpose from Life Teen. Parish leaders will accompany youth on this journey of preparation and will guide youth as they discern when they are ready to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.   

Why did the Diocese make these changes?

The age at which a child receives the Sacrament of Confirmation was changed primarily to bring youth into an encounter with Jesus at a critical time in their lives, to choose his Church and to maturely discern to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

When will this preparation program begin at Blessed Sacrament?

Our first group of students who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation in their 2nd grade year are now entering 6th grade. Because the Bishop is asking that preparation for Confirmation begins no earlier than 12-years-old, we will begin our first round of Year 1 prep in the fall of 2025, when this group of students is entering 7th grade.  

What will the program look like?

As mentioned, we will be using a program called Purpose, which will be used across the Diocese. This is a wonderful program that truly aims to help youth encounter Christ and become life-long disciples! There are 24 lessons to be taught over two years. The lessons will feel like Youth Ministry! There will be games, food, prayer, teaching, and discussions.   

While the details of this program are still being worked out, we envision meeting every other week October-March at Assumption BVM parish.  

We will be accompanying one group of students through the two-year program at a time. This means there will be students from two (or more) grade levels going through the program at one time.   

Why meet at Assumption?

Because our youth come together with the youth from Assumption for Youth Ministry, we think it is wonderful for our youth to journey together for their Confirmation preparation! As we already meet at Blessed Sacrament for Sunday night Youth Ministry, we want to take this opportunity to utilize the beautiful space at Assumption for this program!   

Do I have to be a member at Blessed Sacrament or Assumption for my child to participate in this program?

No! Students from other parishes are welcome to join us! While our students will come together for preparation, the actual reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place at your own parish. 

When will my child begin the program?

All students will have time to discern whether they are ready to begin the program before they turn 12. After they turn 12, and if they feel they are ready to begin, they may join the next Year 1 group. Click here for a schedule that breaks down when we will be running Year 1 and 2 and which grade-levels will be eligible to join each year. 

How will my child discern whether they are ready to begin the program?

Any student who wishes to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation (and is a member of either Blessed Sacrament or Assumption) must be enrolled and actively participate in our Sunday night Youth Ministry program, where students will have discernment opportunities. Our Youth Ministers and small group leaders will accompany youth on this journey and give students plenty of opportunity for reflection and discussion.  

Will there be any requirements of my child while he/she is participating in the program?

Students will be expected to participate in all three years of Sunday night Middle School Youth Ministry (before and during Confirmation prep). Students will also attend a mandatory retreat during their Confirmation prep program. 

When will my child receive the Sacrament of confirmation?

Details are still being finalized, but we hope to confirm students in the fall after completing their second year of preparation.  

If you have other questions, please email Christine Sellnow, Middle School Youth Minister.