The Beautiful Peace of Adoration

Candles and silence
Goodness and grace 
Lord, You are here in this sacred space. 

To me, this is the beauty of adoration. 

Most recently I experienced the beauty of adoration at a retreat I had the opportunity to go on. I settled my breathing and settled into prayer in a chapel far from my campus and far from my home. As my prayers wandered to gratitude for all of the people God has put into my life I began to think of the other times in my life when I have celebrated adoration. 

The first time I went to adoration I think I was in 6th grade. I came with my mom for night time adoration and Benediction after Holy Thursday mass. I liked the silence and how there was an entire practice dedicated to praising and speaking to God while in His presence. I was overcome with peace.

During adoration at NCYC, I was awed by how an entire stadium fell silent to honor God. The feeling of community was so clear as not only was the whole stadium praising God but those I prayed next to were people I loved very much. I was overcome with peace. 

Last year during Lent, two friends and I went to adoration on a Wednesday since we all knew we needed the set time of reflection and spiritual contemplation that adoration provides. I sat between two friends as we all journaled. I was overcome with peace. 

All of these experiences, these memories, are marked by the peace that comes from celebrating the Eucharist through adoration. 

Peace that surpasses all understanding. 

That is the type of peace God wants for us and what He makes possible for us if we are willing to sit with Him, to speak with Him, to invite Him more fully into our lives. 

Adoration is an opportunity for all of these things. 

Adoration is prayerful silence. 

It is a contemplative slowness. 

A peaceful meeting of God, in his house, surrounded by His grace. 

Lent starts on Wednesday. We will all work to set Lenten goals that reflect the type of life we hope to lead. Add adoration to your schedule; bring yourself, maybe a journal, and an open heart. We all seek peace in life and adoration is a wonderful place to start or continue that process of seeking God’s peace.